Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme

RBI Master Circular Link

Lead Bank Scheme Structure and Implementation

The Lead Bank Scheme aims to coordinate the efforts of banks and government agencies to promote economic development at the district and state levels.

Fora under Lead Bank Scheme

The scheme consists of three tiers of committees:

Block Level Bankers’ Committee (BLBC): Focuses on block-level issues and credit planning.

District Consultative Committee (DCC): Comprises bankers, government officials, and other stakeholders to discuss district-level issues, credit plans, and grievance redressal.

State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC): Oversees the implementation of the Lead Bank Scheme at the state level, reviews credit plans, and addresses state-level issues.

Meetings and Activities

DCC meetings are held quarterly, with a focus on credit planning, grievance redressal, and review of district-level issues. SLBC meetings are held annually, with a focus on reviewing credit plans, addressing state-level issues, and capacity building.

SLBCs are required to maintain a website with standardized information and data, and to liaise with state governments to promote economic development.

Implementation of Lead Bank Scheme

The scheme is implemented through the preparation of credit plans, including Potential Linked Credit Plans (PLPs), and monitoring of performance.

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