Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme

RBI Master Circular Link

Lead Bank Scheme Structure and Implementation

The Lead Bank Scheme is a framework for banks to coordinate and implement financial inclusion initiatives at the block, district, and state levels.

Fora under Lead Bank Scheme

The scheme consists of three tiers of committees:

Block Level Bankers’ Committee (BLBC): Focuses on block-level issues and implementation of credit plans.

District Consultative Committee (DCC): Comprises bankers, government officials, and other stakeholders to discuss district-level issues and review progress.

State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC): Oversees state-level initiatives, reviews progress, and coordinates with the state government.

Meetings and Activities

DCC meetings are held quarterly, with a focus on grievance redressal and public meetings. DLRC meetings are held annually to review progress.

SLBC meetings are held annually, with a standardized agenda and calendar. The committee also maintains a website with standardized information and data.

Capacity building, training, and sensitization programs are conducted for stakeholders.

Implementation of Lead Bank Scheme

The scheme is implemented through:

Preparation of credit plans: Banks prepare credit plans to identify potential areas for lending.

Potential Linked Credit Plans (PLPs): Banks identify potential areas for lending and create linked credit plans.

Monitoring performance: Progress is monitored and reviewed at regular intervals.

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