Master Circular – Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit

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Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit

The Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines for the issue of Certificates of Deposit (CDs), which are negotiable instruments.

Eligibility: CDs can be issued by scheduled commercial banks, excluding Regional Rural Banks and Local Area Banks.

Aggregate Amount: There is no limit on the aggregate amount of CDs that can be issued.

Minimum Size of Issue and Denominations: The minimum size of issue is ₹1 lakh, and denominations can be in multiples of ₹1 lakh.

Investors: CDs can be issued to individuals, corporations, trusts, and other entities.

Maturity: CDs can have a maturity period ranging from 7 days to 1 year.

Discount / Coupon Rate: The discount or coupon rate will be determined by the issuer.

Reserve Requirements: CDs are subject to reserve requirements as specified by the RBI.

Transferability: CDs are freely transferable.

Trades in CDs: Trades in CDs can be settled in the same manner as commercial paper.

Settlement: Settlement of CDs will be through the RBI’s Negotiated Dealing System (NDS).

Loans / Buy-backs: Banks can grant loans against CDs and buy back CDs before maturity.

Format of CDs: The format of CDs is specified in Annex I.

Security Aspect: CDs are negotiable instruments and are not secured by any collateral.

Payment of Certificate: Payment of CDs will be made on the maturity date.

Issue of Duplicate Certificates: Duplicate CDs can be issued in case of loss or destruction of the original.

Accounting: CDs will be accounted for as per the RBI’s guidelines.

Standardised Market Practices and Documentation: Standardised market practices and documentation will be followed.

Reporting: Banks will report CD issuance and trading to the RBI.

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