Master Circular – Fair Practices Code

RBI Master Circular Link

Master Circular – Fair Practices Code

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a master circular on fair practices code for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs).

The circular outlines guidelines for NBFCs on fair practices, including:

Applications and Loan Processing

– Loan appraisal and terms/conditions

– Disbursement of loans, including changes in terms and conditions

– General guidelines

– Responsibility of Board of Directors

– Grievance Redressal Officer

– Language and mode of communicating Fair Practice Code

– Regulation of excessive interest charged by NBFCs

– Complaints about excessive interest charged by NBFCs

– Clarification regarding repossession of vehicles financed by NBFCs

Specific Guidelines for NBFC-MFIs

The circular also provides specific guidelines for NBFC-Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs), including:

General Guidelines

– Disclosures in loan agreement/loan card

– Non-Coercive Methods of Recovery

– Internal control system

Lending against Collateral of Gold Jewellery

NBFCs are required to put in place a Board-approved policy for lending against collateral of gold jewellery.

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Download: Master Circular – Fair Practices Code

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