Master Circular – Exposure Norms

RBI Master Circular Link

Exposure Norms Guidelines

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a Master Circular on Exposure Norms, outlining guidelines for credit exposures to single/group borrowers.

Ceiling Limits: The circular sets ceilings for credit exposures to single/group borrowers, including:

  • Exposures to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
  • Lending under Consortium Arrangements
  • Bills discounted under Letter of Credit (LC)
  • Disinvestment Programme of the Government of India

Exemptions: The circular provides exemptions for certain credit exposures, including:

  • Rehabilitation of Sick/Weak Industrial Units
  • Food credit
  • Guarantee by the Government of India
  • Loans against Own Term Deposits
  • Exposure on NABARD

Definitions: The circular defines key terms, including:

  • Exposure
  • Measurement of Credit Exposure of Derivative Products
  • Credit Conversion Factors (CCF) for market-related off-balance sheet items
  • Residual Maturity
  • Credit conversion factors for Interest Rate Contracts, Exchange Rate Contracts, and Gold

The circular aims to provide a comprehensive framework for banks to manage their credit exposures and ensure prudent risk management practices.

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