Master Circular – Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions

RBI Master Circular Link

Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions

This Master Circular outlines the norms for resource raising by financial institutions under the ‘Umbrella Limit’.

The norms cover various instruments, including:

Term Deposits: with specific instructions
Term Money Borrowings: with specific instructions
Certificates of Deposit (CDs): with specific instructions and a proforma provided in Schedule I
Commercial Papers (CPs): with specific instructions, a proforma provided in Schedule II, and a requirement to report defaults on repayment in Schedule IV
Inter Corporate Deposits (ICDs): with specific instructions

The circular also outlines norms for the issue of Bonds/Debentures.

Annex 1 provides directions on Commercial Paper, and the circular includes various schedules, including a proforma for CDs, CPs, and an IPA Certificate.

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