Master Circular – Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)

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Master Circular on Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)

This circular outlines the guidelines for bank finance to NBFCs, including those registered and not registered with the RBI.

Eligible NBFCs: Banks can provide finance to NBFCs registered with the RBI, as well as those not requiring registration.

Ineligible Activities: Bank credit is not permitted for certain activities, including:

• Leased and sub-leased assets
• Bridge loans/interim finance
• Advances against collateral security of shares to NBFCs
• Guarantees for placement of funds with NBFCs

Prudential Ceilings: Banks are subject to prudential ceilings for their exposure to NBFCs.

Investment Restrictions: Banks are restricted from making investments in securities/instruments issued by NBFCs.

Factoring Companies: Banks can provide finance to factoring companies.

This circular consolidates previous guidelines and provides a comprehensive framework for bank finance to NBFCs.

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