Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility

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Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility

This circular outlines the guidelines for the Export Credit Refinance (ECR) Facility.

Eligible Institutions: The facility is available to eligible institutions, which are not specified in the circular.

Limit: The limit for the ECR facility is not specified in the circular.

Interest Rate: The interest rate for the ECR facility is not specified in the circular.

Margin Requirement: The margin requirement for the ECR facility is not specified in the circular.

Duration: The duration of the ECR facility is not specified in the circular.

Collateral: The collateral requirements for the ECR facility are not specified in the circular.

Minimum Amount of Availment: The minimum amount of availment for the ECR facility is not specified in the circular.

Place of Availment: The place of availment for the ECR facility is not specified in the circular.

Penalties: Penalties for non-compliance with the ECR facility guidelines are not specified in the circular.

Documentation: The documentation requirements for the ECR facility are not specified in the circular.

Reporting Requirement: The reporting requirements for the ECR facility are specified in Annex III of the circular.

Conditions: The conditions for availing the ECR facility are not specified in the circular.

Annexures: The circular includes several annexures, including definitions, forms of agreement, and reporting formats.

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