National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)
The NRLM aims to promote women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and their federations, providing financial assistance and support.
Financial Assistance: Revolving Fund (RF) is provided to SHGs, while Capital Subsidy has been discontinued. Community Investment Support Fund (CIF) is also available.
Interest Subvention: Introduced to support SHGs, with banks playing a crucial role in implementing the scheme.
Bank’s Role:
- Opening of Savings accounts for SHGs
- Lending norms: eligibility criteria, loan amount, type of facility, and repayment terms
- Security and Margin requirements
- Dealing with defaulters
Implementation and Monitoring:
- Credit target planning
- Post-credit follow-up
- Repayment process
- Deputation of bank officials to State Rural Livelihood Missions (SRLMs)
- Supervision and monitoring through State Level Banker’s Committee, District Coordination Committee, and Block level Bankers Committee
- Reporting to Lead District Managers and RBI
- Reporting on SHG-Bank linkages
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