Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements of All India Financial Institutions – Presentation, Disclosure and Reporting) Directions, 2016

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Master Direction on Financial Statements of All India Financial Institutions

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued Master Directions on the presentation, disclosure, and reporting of financial statements for All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs).

The directions are applicable to EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, and SIDBI, and are divided into five chapters:

Chapter I: Preliminary

This chapter deals with the short title, commencement, and applicability of the directions.

Chapter II: Format of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account

This chapter specifies the format for the balance sheet and profit & loss account, as well as the preparation of consolidated financial statements.

Chapter III: Disclosure in Financial Statements – Notes to Accounts

This chapter outlines the disclosure requirements in financial statements, including notes to accounts.

Chapter IV: Consolidated Prudential Reporting Requirements

This chapter covers the scope, frequency, format, and other consolidation instructions for prudential reporting.

Chapter V: Repeal and Other Provisions

This chapter deals with the repeal and saving of previous directions, application of other laws, interpretations, and annexures.

The directions also include a list of circulars repealed by these directions, to the extent of their applicability to AIFIs.

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